Restaurants & Bars
Hotel Xcaret Arte features 9 dining experiences all under the care of the best Culinary Group in Mexico formed by true flavor artists:

Regional food with pre-Hispanic influences and the participation of the great women cooks of Mexico. A four-handed experience by Chef Alejandro Ruiz and Chef Roberto Solís.

Author restaurant by Chef Paco Méndez, Michelin Star Chef, who exalts the name of Mexico from Barcelona to the Caribbean.

Chino poblano
Cuisines from Puebla and China by Chef Jonatán Gómez Luna, who is the leader of a new chefs’ generation that has conquered the largest tables in the world.

Cantina VI.AI.PY.
A Cantina from Oaxaca by Chef Alejandro Ruiz, the most important spokesman of the Southern state’s culinary culture.

Cuisines from Yucatan and Lebanon under the care of the internationally famous Chef Roberto Solis, a gastronomical reference from his homeland, Yucatan.

Mediterranean–Mexican Cuisine by Chef Franco Maddalozzo, an Italian celebrity that performs magic with his unique globetrotter seasoning.

Contemporary Japanese Restaurant by Chef Luis Arzapalo, presenting the best eastern gastronomical art.

Comfort Food Cuisine by Chef Orlando Trejo, celebrating his humble gastronomy with local ingredients.

Chef Miguel Bautista
The best of the vegan cuisine from its prime representative, will be integrated as an option in every restaurant of the group.